How To Come Back To God After Falling Away

Are you at a point in your life where you desire to come back to God?

Are you ready to say ‘yes’ to surrendering your life to Him and rededicate the rest of your life to trusting Him?

Whether you’ve been hurt by the church or by someone who has made you feel unloved or ashamed, I pray that you know that your Father does not condemn you.

Our God INVITES you back into His arms with a BIG smile on His face saying, “Come back to me, daughter. I love and care for you.”

Maybe you’re done continuing down the path you’ve been on and you’re ready to make a change. Maybe you searched for love elsewhere, only to be left disappointed and hurt. I’m so sorry if this has been your situation.

Trust me, God will NEVER However, know that God’s love is steadfast and always welcoming, no matter how long you’ve been away.

Here are five tips to help you draw near to God again and find comfort in His unwavering presence.

*Pictures in this post are not mine. Full credits are given to the original source. 

How To Come Back to God After Falling Away

1. Acknowledge Your Feelings and Confess to God

When you decide you want to come back to God, it’s important to be honest with yourself and with God about your feelings.

Whether you’re dealing with loneliness, depression, anxiety, or heartbreak, acknowledge these emotions. I know it can be so difficult to feel these painful emotions.

When I went through the most painful heartbreak, I literally felt like I was dying and all I could do was turn to God. In the past, I turned to things that were sinful ways of coping.

This time, I didn’t want to make that same mistake no matter how hard it was. So dear sis, don’t be afraid to ru into the arms of a Father who loves you so so much.

Nothing in this world can EVER give us what we are looking, except Him.

Confession is the first step towards healing.

Pour out your heart to God in prayer, asking for His forgiveness and guidance. And if you feel like you don’t have the strength to confess or you feel ashamed, admit that to Him!

It’s okay to get ugly and messy in front of Him. He knows you heart and yet He couldn’t love any more or any less.

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Psalm 51:10

2. Immerse Yourself in Scripture

After you’ve confessed, the only way that you can really get to know and understand God’s heart and love for you is to read His Word.

Although I will say, it’s one thing to know His Word and another… to understand what He’s saying.

I’d encourage you to do a short devotional where you can read and meditate on a verse each day that reminds you of God’s character.

Don’t rush through reading the entire Bible, but take your time to absorb His Word and acknowledge that you need the Holy Spirit to open your heart to understand.

When you decide to come back to God, it’s also about spiritual discipline… but, this isn’t black-and-white. I think too often we feel guilty for not reading the Bible everyday or making “mistakes” along our Christian walk.

But in those moments when you feel like you’re not doing enough or you “should” be doing this or that to prove that you’re a good Christian, stop those thoughts!

The enemy will do ANYTHIG to make you believe the lies of who you are. Give yourself grace and compassion, and remind yourself that God loves you for who you are IN Him, not based on what you do.

Our desire for wanting to do spiritual disciplines should come from a desire of love because we long to know our Father and grow in our walk with Him.

If you find yourself having a hard time reading Scriptures, don’t shame yourself. Pray about it, read a commentary that could help supplement your reading, or choose a different devotional that will help guide you.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life… will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38-39

Let these words reassure you of God’s enduring love and commitment to you.

3. Reconnect with a Faith Community

When you decide to come back to God, one of the hardest things that you can do is walk alone in your journey with God.

Community is what God has created for us, and we’re actually so blessed to live in a community of fellow believers.

During Jesus’s time, His followers were scattered among the world to preach His word, and as a result, they were martyred and persecuted for their beliefs.

But we have resources, fellow brothers and sisters, and churches that can help us deepen our faith.

I know it can be terrifying going to a church alone or meeting new people in hopes of finding community. But God is with you, sis!

When I moved abroad to Taiwan, I was TERRIFIED and had a hard time staying after the church service because I didn’t want to look awkward.

But one tip that I have is to stay just for 5 minutes, look around for anybody else that’s kind of lingering (lol) and go up to them!

Or you can also reach out via email and contact someone through the church bulletin to get plugged in!

It might be an easier way to get plugged in and connected to someone who can introduce you to the church community.

You’re not meant to come back to God on your own! He wants you in community with fellow believers to hold each other accountable and build His kingdom.

Let us not give up meeting together… but let us encourage one another.

Hebrews 10:25

4. Seek God’s Presence in Everyday Life

Friend, I would encourage you to look for God’s presence in the small moments of your day. One of the biggest blessings is that God knew that we were created to enjoy life as well.

So whether that’s taking a nature walk and being in His Creation or hearing a kind word from a friend, soak those moments in.

When we take the time to pause in a world that’s so fast-paced, we’re reminded that God is in control of our lives.

He is your Father and He loves you so much that He created you to be in the here and now. So seek His presence in your everyday!

If you have a hard time being present (which I completely relate), start by praying to Him. Tell Him that you struggle with being grateful and you want to start being more present.

Ask Him to reveal these small moments of joy in your life in your day to day. You might just be surprised by what you discover!

Be still, and know that I am God.

Psalm 46:10

Final thoughts about how to come back to god

Also, remember that coming back to God is a journey, and it’s okay to take small steps. Be patient with yourself because your Father is patient with you.

His love for you is unwavering and constant. Trust in this Truth and find comfort in knowing that everyday is an opportunity to grow closer to Him. <3

You are so loved, sis!

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love, Melanie
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